Turmeric Dryer Machine Used After Planting

On July 20, Guoxin delivered the turmeric slice dryer to Yunnan Province. Due to the rain, we have made perfect protection measures for the goods.

Turmeric as an important seasoning, is grown in many parts of the world. Little turmeric is mainly planted near 27 degrees north latitude. Little turmeric has pure yellow cut surface, spicy and strong taste, tender meat, fragrant taste, and fine fiber. It is better to use Souchong. It is customary to call Souchong ginger "little yellow ginger". The cut surface of small yellow ginger is pure yellow, spicy and strong, tender meat, fragrant and fine fiber. Dazhong ginger has a grayish-yellow and iron-colored cut surface, thicker fibers, less pungency and fragrance than souchong ginger, and its medicinal effect is also poor. There is also a kind of ginger that is between Dazhong ginger and Xiaozhong ginger, and the quality is better than Dazhong ginger. Ginger grows differently due to the difference between regions, but the quality standards are the same. The color of the cross section is golden, the taste is spicy and fragrant, and the fine fibers are more.
Turmeric processing steps:
(1) Cultivation system and seasons: Ginger can be planted cleanly or interplanted. Longqing turmeric is generally sown in silkworm and mulberry fields around Qingming Festival. The intercropping can be planted under the high pole frame crops such as melons and beans, or it can be intercropped between the rows of bales to provide shade.
(2) Land selection, soil preparation and fertilization: avoid continuous cropping of ginger, and rotate crops with rice, onion, garlic, melon and beans, and choose loam or sandy loam with deep, fertile, loose, well-drained soil, and ginger is afraid of strong light , should choose a suitable shaded place for planting. Ginger has a long growth period, high yield, and requires a large amount of fertilizer. The amount of agricultural fertilizer per mu is not less than 3,000 kg, and 20 kg of potassium sulfate or 30 kg of compound fertilizer is applied as base fertilizer to fully meet the nutritional needs of ginger. Gao Qi.
(3) Seed selection and sowing: Ginger seeds should be selected before sowing, and mildewed, rotten and shriveled ginger pieces should be removed.
(4) Field management: After the ginger is arranged, if the soil is moist, it can emerge without watering. If the soil is dry, it should be watered once, but it should not be too much. After emergence, the soil moisture and the appearance of the plant should be watered at an appropriate time. In the high temperature period, early watering should be promoted Watering, late watering, pay attention to drainage in the rainy season.
(5) The weight of a single batch of turmeric drying is relatively large. Generally, after cleaning, a slicer is used for slicing, and the thickness is about 3-5 mm. Then, it is loaded into the material tray and pushed into the drying room. Two 15P main machines are equipped with 11.5 meters. The drying room is 4 meters long and 2.2 meters high. There are 18 material trucks each time, each of which can hold 300 kilograms of turmeric slices. A total of 5400 kilograms of fresh turmeric slices can be put in one batch. It is equipped with 2 fresh air valves, and the temperature starts to increase from 55. The total drying time of each batch is 22 hours, the electricity consumption is 30 kwh per hour, and the total electricity consumption is 660 kwh, which not only saves electricity but also has a good drying effect.

To know more about the feasibility of turmeric dryer machine,please contact us.

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